Categorie: Data Management
NVIVO102: Getting started with NVivo for Mac
Learn the fundamentals of NVivo including importing data, creating nodes and...
NVIVO101: Getting started with NVivo for Windows
Learn the fundamentals of NVivo including importing data, creating nodes and...
REDCAP201: Longitudinal Trials with REDCap
Learn how to run longitudinal data collection, such as surveys with...
SC102: Software Carpentry (R)
A live coding workshop where we we teach the fundamental programming...
REDCAP101: Data Capture and Surveys with REDCap
This course will introduce you to REDCap, a rapidly evolving web...
GIT101: Version Control with Git
A workshop where we cover the fundamentals of version control using...
SC101: Software Carpentry (Python)
A live coding workshop where we we teach the fundamental programming...
SQL101: Databases and SQL
In this introductory course you will learn the basics of databases...
RDMT001: Research Data Management Techniques
This workshop is ideal for researchers who want to know how...
REFINE101: Cleaning Data with Open Refine
Open Refine is the perfect partner to Excel. It is a...