Managing NCI Allocations for Members

Intersect has developed the HPC Allocation Service that can be used not just for allocations purchased through intersect but also across all NCI allocations. The main aim is to ensure that HPC allocations are fully utilised and resources are reallocated across projects as needed.

Intersect HPC   point of contact to liaise with NCI and ensure accurate allocation to projects, as well as providing an independent third party to assist with re-allocation of unused SU’s to projects requiring more SU than initially estimated. This resource adjustment has been proved to ensure maximum utilisation and effectiveness of HPC spend.

The Intersect HPC  reviews new project creation requests including the project scientific background, software application, and the suitability of NCI facilities.  Researchers with different requirements are often unsure of the best place to run their computing workloads. With our expert knowledge of the NCI facility, we can consult with the researchers and help them to make the right decision and assist them in their project application.

An Intersect HPC specialist helps researchers to predict the right amount of computing resources (SUs) to request and relevant scratch storage estimation. The aggregated resource requests can help the university to better manage their budget planning to determine the right number of resources that are needed to support the specific research activities.

At the end of each quarter Intersect will provide you with a utilisation report, indicating how many SU each project was allocated, any adjustments during the quarter and a percentage usage of your quarterly HPC spend.

Intersect has a multiyear collaboration agreement with NCI and offers access to NCI supercompute for members at the collaboration rate. The intersect NCI HPC allocation service cost is tiered to the level of SUs utilised.  The billing for this service is annually in advance.