UNE PARG – Livestock tracking for Grazing Project
Glen Charlton | Feb 28th 2024
Intersect’s Advanced Analytics and AI (3AI) Platform has been collaborating with the University of New England’s Precision Agriculture Research Group (PARG) and the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) in Armidale and Glen Innes as part of a larger project studying the livestock productivity on different mixed annual fodder crops. Derek Schneider, the Senior Technical Officer at UNE said:
“PARG values the specialist knowhow and knowledge that the Intersect team provides, the provision of high level data handling and analytics gives us confidence that we can meet our research objectives in an effective way.”
The 3AI team is providing hands-on assistance during the data collection process along with the data import, data wrangling and analysis of the dataset.
The data analysis for this project involves the use of both traditional statistical and unsupervised machine learning methods to help develop insights into the behaviour of animals grazing different pasture mix treatments during a field trial. “Using on-animal sensor data and analysis can now allow us to study grazing behaviour in more detail, and it is a great area for collaboration with teams with the skill to deal with the technology and the data.”, Linda Cafe (Livestock Research Officer at DPI) said. The 3AI team is also assisting the researchers from PARG and DPI in the development of scientific publications based on the methodology used for this project and the insights derived from the analysis.