NSW DPI VPRU: On Animal Tracking System and Sentinel Baiting Station

We are excited to announce that Intersect’s Advanced Analytics and AI Platform (3AI) will be collaborating with the Vertebrate Pest Research Unit (VPRU) of the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries.

NSW DPI VPRU undertakes research which addresses industry priorities in relation to vertebrate pest management with one focus being the development of technology to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of pest management practices. Building on published work from The Sentinel Bait Station: an automated, intelligent design pest animal baiting system (Charlton et al. 2023), the VPRU has engaged Intersect’s 3AI Platform to help to continue the development of smart cameras, baiting devices and animal tracking technology for vertebrate pest management.

Dr Paul Meek from the NSW DPI said,

“Our collaboration with Intersect was founded on our working relationship with Intersect staff, a professional approach by their staff towards embracing the challenge of the projects we proposed and their proven history working with NSW DPI”.

This project will incorporate the use of real-time data pipelines and processing, electronics engineering design, development of machine learning algorithms and production of research outputs.