Learn.intersect.org.au 2018 Training By The Numbers

Aidan Wilson
22 Feb 2019

Learn.intersect.org.au again broke all records in 2018, continuing accelerating year-on-year growth since the inception of Intersect researcher training in 2012.

Learn.intersect.org.au 2018 statistics

2018 was Intersect’s biggest training year ever, delivering 247 courses to 3368 researchers. This reflects a 5% increase in the number of courses and a 24% increase in the number of researchers trained over 2017 training figures. More training courses were consumed by more researchers and, perhaps just as significantly, 2018 figures also saw a higher participation rate. An average of 13.6 people attended per course compared to 11.5 in 2017, representing an 18% increase.

We also capture a measure of participant satisfaction known as Net Promoter Score, in which attendees are asked how likely they are to recommend Learn.intersect.org.au courses to others. Course average NPS in 2018 was +51, up from +46 in 2017, showing an 11% increase (a positive NPS is considered good while an NPS greater than 50 is excellent). Achieving NPS of +50 or higher is considered outstanding and seldom achieved commercially.

Even as Learn.intersect.org.au offers more training for more people and more participants per course, we can conclude that personal experiential evaluation and delivery quality have not only remained high, but grown. Our combined team of 21 trainers and eRAs deliver training on-campus all over Australia.

We continually develop new training material to ensure researchers are kept up to speed with the latest technologies. In 2018 we developed new courses in SPSS (SPSS101), Qualtrics (QLTRICS101), Collecting Web Data (WEBDATA201), the new Julia programming language (JULIA101) and advanced visualisation techniques in both R (R203) and Python (PYTHON203), and updated our Getting Started with High-Performance Computing course (HPC201). There are 22 active Learn.intersect.org.au courses and we offer Software Carpentry curriculum as a partner of The Carpentries.

These metrics offer solid evidence that Learn.intersect.org.au remains a core-component of Intersect membership and research-relevant for the wider community.

Want to know more about Learn.intersect.org.au training?

Browse our full course catalogue, or register for upcoming courses at a location near you.

For questions or information just send email to learn@intersect.org.au to create a referenced request in our system. Of course you can also always contact any of our on-campus eResearch Analysts listed here.

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