Focus on… Western Sydney University with eRA Peter Bugeia

17 Feb 2016

Peter Bugeia is Intersect eResearch Analyst at Western Sydney University. A member of Intersect since 2010, Western Sydney’s usage of Intersect’s products and services has blossomed over the past years with an increased use of HPC, research data storage and management, training, as well as consulting and advisory services. 

Intersect’s software engineering capability is also being deployed across various Western Sydney research disciplines.  In addition to ongoing services, Peter and the Services and Engineering teams at Intersect have worked closely with the University to deliver a number of value-adding initiatives including:

  • Development of the auto-packaging and auto-publishing features of the HIEv data capture application for the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment.
    The HieV  is based on Diver, an Intersect data capture platform. The new features automate the data packaging and publishing process, increasing the volume of published datasets, while  substantially improving the amount and quality of published metadata. Overall, this will increase the capture of valuable datasets at no additional effort for researchers or operational staff.

  • Development and localisation of the recently released Research Data Management Techniques course and piloting the first two Software Carpentry workshops now being rolled out to other Intersect members.  In 2015, twenty Intersect courses were delivered to Western Sydney researchers, within an integrated Western Sydney eResearch training program.

Western Sydney University is one example of how Intersect is providing complimentary services to an existing research support capability, thus offering a wide variety of support services to all researchers in a flexible way that fits in within the University's approach.
Contact your friendly local eResearch Analyst for more information about how Intersect can help your organisation.

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